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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BNG {
// This is a wobble effect based on Minions Art Tutorial found :
public class LiquidWobble : MonoBehaviour {
Renderer rend;
Vector3 lastPos;
Vector3 velocity;
Vector3 lastRot;
Vector3 angularVelocity;
public float MaxWobble = 0.03f;
public float WobbleSpeed = 1f;
public float Recovery = 1f;
float wobbleAmountX;
float wobbleAmountZ;
float wobbleAmountToAddX;
float wobbleAmountToAddZ;
float pulse;
float time = 0.5f;
void Start() {
rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();
private void Update() {
time += Time.deltaTime;
// decrease wobble over time
wobbleAmountToAddX = Mathf.Lerp(wobbleAmountToAddX, 0, Time.deltaTime * (Recovery));
wobbleAmountToAddZ = Mathf.Lerp(wobbleAmountToAddZ, 0, Time.deltaTime * (Recovery));
// make a sine wave of the decreasing wobble
pulse = 2 * Mathf.PI * WobbleSpeed;
wobbleAmountX = wobbleAmountToAddX * Mathf.Sin(pulse * time);
wobbleAmountZ = wobbleAmountToAddZ * Mathf.Sin(pulse * time);
// send it to the shader
rend.material.SetFloat("_WobbleX", wobbleAmountX);
rend.material.SetFloat("_WobbleZ", wobbleAmountZ);
// velocity
velocity = (lastPos - transform.position) / Time.deltaTime;
angularVelocity = transform.rotation.eulerAngles - lastRot;
// add clamped velocity to wobble
wobbleAmountToAddX += Mathf.Clamp((velocity.x + (angularVelocity.z * 0.2f)) * MaxWobble, -MaxWobble, MaxWobble);
wobbleAmountToAddZ += Mathf.Clamp((velocity.z + (angularVelocity.x * 0.2f)) * MaxWobble, -MaxWobble, MaxWobble);
// keep last position
lastPos = transform.position;
lastRot = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;